WombWorks Productions Inc.

Healing Circle Workshops

In 2018, UMBC collaborated with Wombwork Productions, Inc. to host two half-day workshops, introducing participants to the healing circle process as well as the Virtues Project™.

Participants were invited to join a healing circle in which they explored their racial identities and processed the importance of TRHT work. They then participated in a guided reflection that helped them connect the importance of racial identity work within the context of service-learning and community engagement.

Participants were also introduced to the 5 Strategies of the Virtues Project™, which includes, Speak the Language of the Virtues, Recognize Teachable Moments, Set Clear Boundaries, Honor the Spirit, and Offer Companioning. These strategies help foster more authentic purposeful lives, to raise children of compassion & idealism and create a culture of character in our homes, schools, workplace & community.

Throughout the workshops, WombWork Productions, Inc. shared their Performing Arts Rites of Passages techniques and African-Centered methodologies. By embracing the African Philosophy of Ubuntu “ I am because We are,” they utilized traditional language, songs, ancestor reverence, and talking/healing circles to heighten the importance of community.

WombWork Productions, Inc.

Created by artists; Mama Kay Lawal-Muhammad, Mama Nata'aska Hasan Hummingbird, and Mama Rashida Forman-Bey in 1997, WombWork Productions, Inc. is a theatre company that uses theatrical methodology, the traditional African Rites of Passage model, and the 5 Strategies of the Virtues Project™ to empower audience members in addressing pressing social issues within the Baltimore community.

Along with UMBC, Wombwork Productions Inc., has worked with Johns Hopkins, Morgan State University, Coppin State University, FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture, Youth Works, Great Blacks in Wax Museum, American Visionary Art Museum, Youth as Resources, and Artscape Festival

"All life comes from the womb. Out of the darkness comes the light of understanding"

-WombWork Productions, Inc.