A Story Telling Event
Recuerda, Tú Eres Arte
Recuerdo, Tú Eres Arte was a one-day workshop event that allowed community members from all over Maryland and Baltimore City to learn about possible artforms to tell their stories. The three workshops were Storytelling Through Photographs, Formal Poetry as Therapy, and Stories and Memories: Digital Storytelling.
Raíces y Recuerdos
Raíces y Recuerdos translated, with liberty, as Remembering our Roots which focused on storytelling. Recuerada, tú eres arte, the event prior to this event worked as a pre-event for participants to have a foundation on how they could participate in Raíces y Recuerdos. The theme of the event, Hoy, ayer, y lo que sigue, translated as Today, Tomorrow, and What Follows, focusing on recognizing that one’s roots impacts how they navigate their identity, self, and surrounding environment.
Photos from Recuerda, tú eres arte

Peformances & Artwork from Raíces y Recuerdos