What is TRHT?

In 2016, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation launched the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) initiative. TRHT is a comprehensive, national and community-based process to plan for and bring about transformational and sustainable change, and to address the historic and contemporary effects of racism. It seeks to unearth and jettison the deeply held, and often unconscious, beliefs created by racism – the main one being the belief in a hierarchy of human value.

The idea of TRHT Campus Centers was designed to engage and empower campus and community stakeholders to breakdown racial hierarchies and create a positive narrative about race in the community.

-W.K. Kellogg Foundation

"TRHT's vision and purpose is to improve our capacity as communities and as a country to see ourselves in each other, so that we can share a more equitable future with opportunities for every child and family to thrive."

-W.K. Kellogg Foundation

The TRHT framework

The TRHT framework was informed by the globally recognized truth and reconciliation commission (TRC) process—the most widely recognized of which was in South Africa, although there have been more than forty TRCs in countries around the world. However, TRHT acknowledges a holistic view of positive social change by addressing both the culture of racism that shapes individual and collective beliefs and the embedded structures of systemic racial hierarchy. The framework is based on five components: (1) narrative change, (2) racial healing, (3) separation, (4) law, and (5) economy.

Gail Christopher